Sunday, May 15, 2011

Increase the Volume- Reading #6

This week's reading is all about communication. They begin with the most obvious connection of communication and design. Design is "the art of communicating an idea" and because of this, most of the process is an issue dealing with communication. They emphasize three parts: Encoding, the message itself, and decoding. They introduce us to various types of possible audiences. They are the Client, Corporations, Manufacturing,  and Associates. 

This was one of those long chapters with so much information, its hard to choose which to talk about without just spitting out what you read. What I liked about he chapter was the section on methods of presentations. They present the methods in musical terms. they use Andante, Crescendo, and forte-piano. My favorite part is the illustration techniques, they go through several materials we already use and the pictures used in the book are wonderful. I loved that it reminded us of our limitations when using color in Photoshop and computer related programs.

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