Sunday, May 22, 2011

“To be humble to superiors is duty, to equals courtesy, to inferiors nobleness.”

"The force? No, That's wrong!" Jimmy fired back confused. 

Wednesday's class was a mellow one. Class began with Jimmy asking us to find the next number in a series of numbers he had written on the board. He split the class between men and women. That alone meant this was going to be a fun competition. Other classmates have posted the numbers and explanations so I won't be doing so. I'll just write the fun parts.

Ladies first, so Astrid stepped up and after a miss she got Jimmy to understand our logic, without being given a number crucial to the pattern, we found another pattern. Thought it was the incorrect number the fact that the explanation was rational won the argument. The boys had the correct number, but it took three of them to finally sell it to Jimmy.  It was, of course, an exercise on how well we explained something. On how well we can convince someone. Jimmy you're straight out of a movie, the kind of teacher that teaches you without knowing. That's a amazing. First time I ever have that kind of teacher, and sorry for you but You'll be seeing me next fall.

For the last part of the class we did a circle discussion ran by Rudy. We went around talking about how we felt about it and everyone was pretty much on the same page. Jimmy made a point to mention that guest speakers always talk about how lovely we are as an audience. I must admit I was quite flattered!
Jimmy also mentioned that we're the only school that seems as if we don't feel entitled. I think that humility is wonderful, this way we will never get in over our heads. I did find it odd that we're the only school said to be doing this. In a way it made me feel special.

CSULA is not by any means one of those schools people are dying to get in too, and despite the crap we face everyday with budget cuts and what not, I think there's a charm about it. The reason I came here is familiarity. It may not sound like the best reason but I think it is. As a high school student my sister, who graduated as a microbiologist from here, would often bring me along with her. As time came for me to graduate, the fact I know the campus well gave me comfort coming here. I was overjoyed when I was accepted. Since this would later lead me to where I am now I have no regrets. Hearing that we're liked by GAUGE speakers is only the icing on the cake. Sweet, sweet CSULA cake.

We then cleared up video final questions and I came to the conclusion that I am doomed. I have no equipment or experience. Or a Mac. I'm a PC.
I will never the less do my best.


  1. Your picture is hilarious! It was a fun class day after all. It was really nice to hear about how speakers love students at CSULA. I was surprised, but in a good way. Makes me proud to be a part of this department and major!

    I have a PC too...they're cool! Who needs a MAC?!? PLUS...if need be, there is the lab on the second floor!

  2. I love how you added your sketch! I remember seeing you draw it in class! LOL

  3. Angel, good to see you here, thanks for stopping by. I know it gives you pride. I'll be needing that lab very soon =]

    Julie! lol thanks I have tons of little doodles everywhere in my notes, for all kinds of classes, they're no good but I can't help it :D

  4. Join the dark side and be a MAC!!!!! I so love that picture, too funny.
