"A what?" "Noo!!" The class shouts and follows with laughter. |
This is a rant. A rant? A rant. As most of my blogs are. Sorry about that. I'm not very good at this.
Monday's class was very interesting, but in Jimmy's class, when isn't it? Jimmy had us sit in a circle and we played the "This a what" game. Please refer to Julie's wonderful blog to see how it is played. I tend to dislike ice breaking games since I am a shy person and they put you on the spot. I was afraid I'd ruin it for everyone and at some points I almost did! The game, though very difficult with more than one object, was surprisingly funny, when people made honest mistakes everyone had a good laugh, though sadly at their expense, which is why it's so important to be able to laugh at your self! Laughing is the best! When you have one of those really good laughs, the kind that you can't even breathe and you tear up, its like having a great meal!
It was a really interesting experience, maybe I'm just bias because I really like the particular group of students in the class, but to me this class is special, we all understand each other so well that perhaps its why don't talk much! That's just me though. I wish I could have these very same students with me in many other classes. You guys are all so smart and funny, I feel Jimmy was right in that we could have accomplished that second round. It just takes us a little longer. :]
For the second half of the class, we watched a Hammer talk by Sir Ken Robinson. Aside from my love of his accent, I should confess I like all sorts of exotic accents, he did a really good job of explaining his point with humor and interesting stories. I love how he poked fun of Americans' love of Independence Day, and how we assume so many things of each other. He, more importantly, made several issues quite clear. Such as how degrees can become devalued if every one's out to get one just for the money.
Robinson also pointed out how you don't have to have a degree, how your passion should lead you, and how often talent is hidden, and goes undiscovered or even put down. I think it is extremely important to do something you love to do. I am in, by no means, good at drawing, at all. REALLY! But I love to do it, so I chose art. I would have never been good as anything else, especially math. I don't think it is worth having a big pay check when you're miserable. Besides that is what these classes are for, to learn how to improve my art work. Do something you love and you'll never work a day in your life, they say, I think it holds a lot of meaning. Jimmy is a great example of this, he's told us how he's much happier as a teacher than at higher paying job. Thank you Jimmy.